Burlesque movie trailer looks promising
Plot Synopsis: Ali Rose (Christina Aguilera) is a small town girl with a big voice who escapes hardship and an uncertain future to follow her dreams to LA. After stumbling upon The Burlesque Lounge, a majestic but faltering theater that is home to an inspired musical revue, Ali lands a job as a waitress from Tess (Cher), the club's owner and headliner. Burlesque's outrageous costumes and daring choreography delight the young ingenue, who is inspired to perform there one day.
Soon enough, Ali builds a friendship with a renowned dancer (Julianne Hough), finds an enemy in a performer troubled with jealousy (Kristen Bell), and attracts the attention of Jack (Cam Gigandet), a bartender and musician. With the help of a shrewd stage manager (Stanley Tucci) and gender bending host (Alan Cumming), Ali makes her way from the lounge floor to the stage. Her spectacular voice restores The Burlesque Lounge to its former glory, but not before a charismatic businessman (Eric Dane) comes along with an attractive proposition ...
My thoughts: Honestly, it looks a bit like a revamp of Showgirls, but this time with less skin and loads more talent. Color me shocked, but it looks like Christina Aguilera can act!
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