Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Action Movies: Branding the Web: Why "Entertainment Weekly" is Getting It Right

Magazines are trying to--and let's be honest, have to--find their internet voice.  Declining newsstand sales and ever-dwindling advertising dollars are combining to force the hand of even the most out-of-touch publishing dinosaurs.  Have website, will survive, seems to be the new credo.

Which is why it's good to see someone getting this whole magazine-on-the-internet thing so right.  As a long-time subscriber to Entertainment Weekly, I've enjoyed watching that magazine's internet presence flourish and thrive.  Gone are the days when you needed to enter your subscription information to access the best content; savvy entertainment worshippers now go to first to find reviews, previews, blogs, and feature articles. 

Case in point, all you "Lost" fans: the frequent, informed columns from Jeff "Doc" Jensen, which are keeping pace with the show's excellent fourth season, positing theories from all over the world of physics and beyond.  By making Doc Jensen a go-to "insider" for the world of "Lost," EW has given themselves a surefire entree into the hearts and minds of "Lost" fans around the globe, bringing the brand in front of customers old and new, and giving those fans a reason to repeatedly visit the site--and drive those all-important ad dollars. 

This is merely my favorite example, being a "Lost" fan myself.  But it's heartening to a webophile like me that magazines like these are making their brands global on the internet, putting themselves into the fray and keeping their brands alive.  Like surviving on an island with a smoke monster and "hostiles."  Whatever they are.

-- Noelle

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