Resident Evil: Extinction - Experimentation...Evolution...Extinction - September 21, 2007
Resident Evil: Extinction (formerly Resident Evil: Afterlife ) is the 2007 sequel to Resident Evil: Apocalypse. Resident Evil: Extinction is the third and (according to the official site) final installment in a series of film adaptations based on the popular Capcom survival horror game series Resident Evil. The film is directed by Russell Mulcahy and produced by Paul Anderson. The film stars Milla Jovovich, Mike Epps, Ashanti Douglas, Ali Larter ("Heroes", Final Destination), Chris Egan, and Oded Fehr (the Mummy). The film will adapt several plot elements from Resident Evil: Code Veronica and will feature several new characters and creatures from the game series. Details regarding production are top-secret but minor details have been revealed, "fans of the series will be pretty damn happy with a new boss monster that's going to rear its ugly head in the film".
Milla Jovovich returns as Alice, and she's running with a new pack of humans, with Claire Redfield (Ali Larter) leading a convoy (a school bus and a modified ambulance) that's cutting through the wastelands of the United States on a long trek to Alaska. Hunted by the minions of the scheming Dr. Isaacs, Alice has zombies hungry for her flesh and lab rats hungry for her blood, while Alice is hungry for Revenge.
Resident Evil: Extinction is set in between 3 - 5 years after the events of Apocalypse. The Umbrella Corporation has failed to control a series of T-Virus outbreaks and the world's population has been almost wiped out. With very little humanity left, a handful of survivors are traveling around the remnants of the world in heavily armored convoys that go to the least populated parts of the world.